If You Want BIG Results You Must Shift 
Your Internal Blueprint
Let Me Explain The Fastest Way To Manifest & Let The Law Of Attraction Work For You (That A Billionaire Taught Me)

The Magnetic Mind Process Has Modernized 5,000 Year Old Ancient Hermetic Principles ... It's The Fastest Way To Remove Toxic Emotions and Limiting Beliefs & Is The Leading Human Transformation Technique.
**Press Play  and turn on Your sound to find out how**
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In Todays World Those That Have Emotional Mastery, Who Can Tap Into TRUE Intuition And Remove Any Inner Blocks ... Will Win... 

Do you Want to know the
 "Fastest"  way to reprogram your brain for success? 
Want to know how to remove your biggest inner blocks & limitations in minutes?
Do you feel like you were meant for something bigger? … but know there is something holding you back ?

If so ... then you're going to love The Magnetic Mind Rapid Recode™ because it's changing how people rewire their minds to become a magnet for everything they desire
My name is Ashlee Weisal
This is my personal invite for you to join something I call The Magnetic Mind Masterclass..

Because you answered "YES" to any of the questions above, then I know something about you...

You have the desire to do BIG THINGS...

You have been frustrated with your results in the past but, with proper guidance you can achieve anything you put your mind to... 
BUT You know the right way to do that is by changing your mindset and letting go of the past. But, a few simple things are holding you back and...

...things aren't happening as quickly as you'd like.
Here's the TRUTH:
There's a BIG problem in the personal development world when it comes to mental reprogramming that no one is talking about and ...
It's the difference between being "satisfied with what you have" or being able to "consciously manifest a life that is aligned with your true desires".
You see, traditional "rah rah positivity-first style” methods of brain reprogramming only address half the equation... they focus on "fixing" or "healing" your existing problems (and or past traumas).
The problem with these methods are that ... the nature of problem-solving means you will always have to look to fix or improve things in order to be motivated.
Consider this... if no problem exists your brain will still automatically go looking for problems to fix in order for you to “improve”... because that’s what its been programmed to do!
Why ... because in the past fixing problems has been your primary focus and more often than not you will find more than enough to go around. So much so that it becomes a lifelong journey of the problem-solution orientation of books, seminars and it's a stark contrast to what the super successful do ... they don't try to solve problems instead, they create what they love.
A Billionaire
Once Told Me
"You will only see it when you be it"
A Billionaire Once Told Me ...
"You Will Only See It When You Be It"
The secret to true manifestation lies in the Hermetic Principles that dates  as far back as the 1st & 2nd centuries A.D. and ...

You must stop trying to fix yourself or your current results because any action you take only reinforces that you are “not it” or “not there” which in turn creates an identity of “not there” ... 

This will stop you ever achieving your desired results because achieving the desired result is in conflict with who you are “you cannot plant seeds of scarcity and grow an abundance tree"
For Years I Obsessed About That Conversation...

I Knew What He Was Telling Me Was True, But Also In My Head I Was Thinking ...

What Was I Missing?
It wasn't until years later when I discovered that the reason why I was feeling this way was because I was fighting against an internal structure based on the universal law which states “energy will take the path of least resistance” and it is true ...
Most people don't realize ... success becomes effortless when you understand how to develop a "creative tension seeking resolution structure" that automatically pulls you towards the correct action on a daily basis.
Unfortunately many of us are not going for what we want because on some level we feel incomplete and as a result we only do enough to avoid some type of pain.
So much so that we have designed our lives around solving the 6 ways we feel incomplete ...
  • I am unworthy
  • I am not good enough
  • I don't belong
  • ​I am incapable
  • ​I am insignificant
  • ​I have to be perfect
If you're like most people you have at some point had feelings of inadequacy and that's 100% normal because as a child we needed this programming to take the correct action and stay safe... BUT
If you are a spiritual seeker wanting to create a life and world you love you must choose to let go of the ways you feel incomplete
The reason why most people struggle is because the goals they are trying to hit are designed to solve one of the ways they feel incomplete which creates internal friction and is the primary reason why they feel frustrated with their lives. 

In Ancient Times ...
The Alchemists Used To Say ...
The Alchemists
Used To Say ...
"A true creation is created because you would love to see it created and not other reasons"
The number one reason the law of attraction doesn't work, is because we are unconscious to the true intention of our goals and are actually attracting more ways to feel incomplete…

95% of goals people write down do not fit into true goals, and therefore can never be reached with ultimate ease.
So what's the solution? ...
For years I obsessed about that conversation. I knew what he was telling me was true but I also thought in my head ...
How could this be possible, how could I “be it” without seeing it and where would my motivation come from if there was no problem to solve?”

... what am I missing?" 
What if you had ALL your marketing videos done, strategically, in just a few minutes per day?

Well that’s what THIS challenge is designed to do!
A revolution in transformation was uncovered in 2015 after 30 years of clinical research in psychotherapy that shows you ...


You see... 

We create all our existing beliefs, limits, personalities and emotions... 

however we've never had a fast and easy way to align our own internal consciousness with our true desires to create sustainable long term success. Until now and it's called ...
The Magnetic Mind Rapid Recode™
...it's the bridge between the old world and the new. 
It works by creating a connection with your superconscious genius and teaches your brain how to create new connections as well as release lifelong beliefs and trauma... 
This technology works because of the science of neuroplasticity that says your brain can change...
It's like a user manual for your mind ...
It's now possible to take control of your mind and recode it in minutes
Watch this quick video that illustrates the brain recoding itself by creating new positive connections instantly … this is a demonstration of “Hebb's Rule”
Watch The LIVE DEMO:
The Magnetic Mind Rapid Recode™ live demo illustrates how Chris Duncan removes a very common fear of public speaking in 2 guests in just 10 minutes
As you can see It is now possible to take control of your mind and recode it in minutes, leading to a new you…  It is not for the faint-hearted and is for people truly wanting to let go of who they have been to create a life they desire.
Choose "A True Goal" -  true goals focus on the "acceptance of what you want" rather than focusing on finding a solution to an existing problem.
Develop A "Creative Tension Seeking Resolution" Structure - It's our structure determines behaviour, which in turn dictates how you move towards or away from friction or internal struggle.
Step Into The End Result Using Neuro-Emotional Meditation - focus on replacing old habits and beliefs with new emotions, new beliefs and new feelings by creating NEW emotional set points.
Unplug From Your OLD Self, Recode Your Unconscious Identity - you are where you are because of your existing habits, sabotage patterns and beliefs. Being able to unplug from your past and recode a new unconscious identity will allow you to move forward without restriction 

Take Aligned Action Towards What You Want - understanding how to take aligned action is important because you will know which actions to focus on for maximum benefit and which actions to avoid that will get you lost faster 
The Magnetic Mind Masterclass will allow you to ...
The Magnetic Mind Rapid Recode™ Masterclass will allow you to ...
Rapidly Recode Your Identity IN 5 STEPS
A "True Goal" focuses on the acceptance of what you want rather than focusing on finding a solution to an existing problem. True goals align your target with your end result and allow you move forward with complete clarity and excitement about your new future.
A "True Goal" focuses on the acceptance of what you want rather than focusing on finding a solution to an existing problem. True goals align your target with your end result and allow you move forward with complete clarity and excitement about your new future.
It's your structure that determines your behaviour. A "Creative Tension Seeking Resolution Structure" naturally pulls you towards what you desire without internal struggle and with minimal effort... Imagine how much your confidence will grow by knowing every decision you make is the right one.
It's your structure that determines your behaviour. A "Creative Tension Seeking Resolution Structure" naturally pulls you towards what you desire without internal struggle and with minimal effort... Imagine how much your confidence will grow by knowing every decision you make is the right one.
Traditional personal development methods focus on fixing and healing problems... which doesn’t work because it creates a “fix it” mentalityNeuro-Emotional Meditation allows you to "Create New Emotional Set Points" based on the person you want to be rather than the person you need to fix... become a magnet for abundance and new opportunity.
Traditional personal development methods focus on fixing and healing problems... which doesn’t work because it creates a “fix it” mentalityNeuro-Emotional Meditation allows you to "Create New Emotional Set Points" based on the person you want to be rather than the person you need to fix... become a magnet for abundance and new opportunity.
Learn to recode a "New Unconscious Identity" so you can finally move forward without restriction from the things that have been holding you back.  Replace old habits, beliefs and feelings with new ones and step into a new reality with laser focus and a deep understanding of your limits.
Learn to recode a "New Unconscious Identity" so you can finally move forward without restriction from the things that have been holding you back.  Replace old habits, beliefs and feelings with new ones and step into a new reality with laser focus and a deep understanding of your limits.
Knowing which actions to focus on and in what order can mean the difference between success and failure. You will learn a simple process that aligns your actions with your True Goal to create unparalleled momentum and remove the fear of “getting it wrong”.
Knowing which actions to focus on and in what order can mean the difference between success and failure. You will learn a simple process that aligns your actions with your True Goal to create unparalleled momentum and remove the fear of “getting it wrong”.
Do you want to live the life of your dreams, attract more abundance and ...
Become A Magnet For ALL YOUR DESIRES ?
If you do not have everything you desire then 100% you need to ...
Let me teach you what has taken me over 10 years of research to uncover without paying me $10,000 to take you on as a private client.

The Magnetic Mind Rapid Recode™ is based on 1st and 2nd centuries A.D principles, years of study of top researchers in Psychotherapy, Neuroscience, Epigenetics, Quantum Physics and more. 

So let me ask you... do you want to attract more abundance and become a magnet for everything you desire and remove everything that's been put there to keep you small in the past? 

IF you answered "YES" then ... 

You need to learn to recode your mind to attract what you want !
2 Hour Replay Of The Most Recent Live Workshop Available "On Demand"
Watch Christopher Duncan at his most recent event as he goes through the entire process and helps attendees move past fear of public speaking live on stage
The Magnetic Mind Rapid Recode™ On Demand Online Training Library 
Gain full control over your own learning, learn at your own pace, go as slow or as fast as you need … you get unlimited access to all the training and other bonuses in a regularly updated membership site that you can take anywhere …
The Magnetic Mind Rapid Recode™ Group Transformation Session With Chris Duncan + Worksheets - You Get ONE Session.
Join Christopher Duncan On a Live Session Where He Will Take You Through The 5 Step Process That’s Needed To Re-Code Your Mind And Magnetically Manifest Everything You Desire Without Struggle
The Magnetic Mind Rapid Recode™ On Demand Online Training Library (Masterclass)
Gain full control over your own learning, learn at your own pace, go as slow or as fast as you need … you get unlimited access to all the training and other bonuses in a regularly updated membership site that you can take anywhere …


20+ visual reprogramming meditations

2020-2021 Rapid Recodes Greatest Hits 

Access To Our Facebook Community

If you do not have everything you desire then you need to learn this...
Here Is Everything YOU GET
  • Access To The Magnetic Mind MASTERCLASS
  • Exclusive Access To Private Facebook Community
  • ​BONUS: 20+ Magnetic Mind Meditations
  • ​BONUS: Magnetic Mind GREATEST HITS 2020-2021  Favorite Sessions chosen by The Magnetic Mind community that have created MASSIVE SHIFTS!
  • ​​BONUS: Chris Duncan Recode Education Video
Total Value = $5,983
Reserve Today For ONLY = $99 
So you’ve read everything here and you’ve got a few questions, let us put your mind at ease:
 Is this One on One? 
No, But we do offer 1-1 sessions!
Visit us to learn more at https://magneticmindscoach.com/1-1
 Do you guarantee results?
We guarantee that thousands of people have loved this process and have seen measurable results, however we do not claim to cure anything or treat any mental challenge.
 Can I get my money back if I don’t like it?
No - the session is discounted for you, there are no refunds.

Disclaimer: The content and material presented is for educational and informational purposes only. The content should not be used for diagnosis or treatment of any condition or disease. Any case histories presented are provided for illustrative purposes only. No express or implied guarantee of results is made. If you are currently being treated by a physician or other healthcare practitioner for any condition or disease, please consult with that provider prior to changing or modifying any medication treatment program.

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